
Lemon Happy

Three years ago my mom bought me a small Meyer lemon tree. With the love of water, sun light and warmth on chilly nights, my little plant has blossomed and grown - producing many lemons. The thrill some people feel when winning a tennis match, I get from my happy plants. This Fall I had enough fruit - that I perserved some using one of my favorite cookbooks, Canal House Cooking. It is quite simple needing just Kosher salt and lemons.
Charleston is a great climate for having citrus plants. The winters here are not too cold. This year it has been particularly mild and therefore my lemon tree is bursting with loads of buds. Although it make it easier, you don't have to live in a mild climate in order to have these wonderful fruit bearing plants. They like lots of sun light and need a well draining pot. They will need to be brought in when it is below freezing and brought outside it time for the bees to pollinate the flowers that create the wonderful lemons.... isn't nature beautiful...

Bursting With Buds

My Little Lemons

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